Friday 11 December 2015

Maroon 5 CD back cover analysis

Audience Research

So we can work out what our target audience should be, and audience demand, we have put together a small questionnaire to get the opinions of a variety of people and what song genre suits was group. The questions of this questionnaire includes;

1. How old are you?

  • - 10
  • 10 - 15
  • 16 - 20
  • 21 - 25
  • 26 - 30
  • 31 +
2. What is your gender?
  • Male
  • Female
3. What is your favourite music genre?
  • Pop
  • Jazz
  • Classic
  • Rap
  • Alternative
  • Rock
  • Dub-step
  • Other ______________
4. Despite your answer for question three, would you listen to artist 'Lorde'
  • Yes
  • No
  • I don't know who she is.

Blog Update - 11/12/2015

Our first draft of our storyboard is now completed after two weeks of having group meetings. while creating out story board, we realised that some things needed to be changed as we either came up with better ideas or we found that certain shots were repetitive. We made these changes on the storyboard and so we will be updating our script to match our story board as a second draft. We will then soon be making a final draft of both to upload onto the blog before filming.
As well as this, we have decided to start filming little bits during the Christmas holidays so we don't have as much to deal with when we actually get to the filming stage. Location research will also be carried out in so we know where we can film.

Friday 4 December 2015

Location Research

We have been deciding on locations to shoot at whilst doing our storyboard.
These are our locations that we have discussed:

  • for the time lapse of cars - we need a road (maybe on bridge outside Morrisons?)

we might shoot footage from this bridge, of cars on the road. (street map image)

  • In a bedroom (for close-up of Celine singing against plain (white-ish) wall.) - Katie's room?

  • a not-so-busy street for shots of lower and sometimes higher class walking.

  • Hotel room (TV Static shot)

  • At a bus stop (lower class getting on a bus)

this is a bus stop we might use (street map image)

  • Hempstead Valley Shopping Center (upper-class walking around)

  • A room that we can have a jewelry box in. (for close-up shot of jewelry box, and shot of upper-class putting on necklace/spraying perfume)

  • Skate park? Or a big empty area where we can have some shots of skateboarding. (garages near Katie's house?)

  • Train Station (for train shots)

  • For walking down stairs shot could be at a Train station or in a house.

So far we have roughly 8 different locations to shoot at.

Costumes Research

The costumes used for our music video for Royals will differ between the higher class and lower class.

The lower class would be wearing 'cheap' clothing i.e. hoodies, jeans/tracksuit bottoms, trainers. Just general casual wear of today's society.

The higher class would be wearing perhaps more expensive clothing and jewelry i.e dresses, maybe jeans/trousers, nice tops, necklaces, bracelets, rings etc. Again, casual clothing but of a higher standard to suggest that the higher class care more about their appearance.

Group discussions

As you may have noticed there has not been many posts on our blog for a while. This is because we have been doing a lot of group discussions off the computer. We have been discussing locations, props and have been using our script to do our storyboard which is almost completed.
There will be some new blog posts appearing very soon!