Saturday 7 May 2016


Names and Candidate Numbers:

Katie Tancred      8243
Celine Dior          9541
Lewis Gollop       1236

Centre Number: 61221

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Q4) How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Thursday 5 May 2016

Q1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Researching different Music Videos at the start of this coursework really helped us gain an idea of what conventions are needed and expected from real media products today. We analysed a few different Genres. However we particularly looked at music videos from the Pop Genre.
Here are some videos we looked at (in GIFs) ;

  • Music Videos by Taylor Swift - like Shake It Off

  • Music Videos by Meghan Trainor - like All About That Bass

  • And then we looked at 'Royals' by Lorde - which is the song we eventually used and based our music video on.

From looking at these music videos, we discovered that as well as all being different in the way they have been produced, they all have similar conventions therefore putting them all in the POP Genre. The conventions of a Pop music video mainly comes from the theorist 'Andrew Goodwin'.  We took into account, the conventions noticed by looking at other Pop music videos and researching Andrew Goodwin, when producing our music video. 
Here are a couple of convention similarities between our Group's music video for Royals, and Lorde's music video for Royals:

(added the captions when creating the GIFs - so don't take notice of them) Here the two shots are similar because:
  1. they're both close-up shots of the artist (convention of Pop music videos)
  2. a similar background of a plain white-ish/grey-ish wall
  3. the way both Lorde and Celine are positioned (centre of the camera - mid shot)
They are not similar because:
    1. In Lorde's version, she is more further away from the camera than Celine is in our version.

Here the two shots are similar because:
  1. they're both of a street
  2. they're both moving vertically down/up the street (even if they are going opposite ways)
They are not similar because:
  1. in Lorde's version it seems quite quiet, but in our version the street seems quite busy (with the cars parked on the road)
  2. Lorde's version seems more smoother when moving backwards, whereas our version is a bit more 'rugged'.
  3. Also compared to each other, this scene is later on in our music video than Lorde's version where it is at the beginning. 

We obviously haven't copied Lorde completely as we wanted to make our music video for Royals unique to us, our own version. However we have still taken into account the conventions needed to create a good pop music video.
Another convention theorised by Andrew Goodwin is that sometimes their is a part of the song where the lyrics match the visuals. We have done this in our music video, in a few parts.

One part we have done this in, is where the lyrics are "We're counting dollars on the train" - during these lyrics there is a train moving past at a train station. 

In another part we have done this but also used Juxtaposition - so have related the lyrics to the visual but in a contrasting way.
It's during the part of the song where it says "We're driving Cadillacs in our dreams"
The member of the lower class is getting onto a bus, therefore contrasting the lyrics "we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams" as he's using public transport, not driving a Cadillac - which he may be dreaming of.

We think this shows that our Music Video for Royals does use the conventions that are expected for Pop Genre music videos. And without our knowledge of these conventions, I don't think our music video would be much recognisable as a Pop video.

FINAL Music Video

Here is our FINAL Music Video. We have had to re-film the scenes where the two classes (higher and lower) walk towards each other on the street. We have also taken out the phone sounds and replaced it with the start of the song.