Friday 22 January 2016

Narrative Theory

For music video, we have investigated and considered a few narrative theories that we can include in our music video.

Andrew Goodwin;

Andrew Goodwin stated that most music videos had a narrative to them but creating a story within the lyrics which is played out in the music video.
We know that the lyrics for our song already contains a story even though they are not our lyrics. Lorde speaks about not having much and quote; "I'm not proud of my address, in this torn up town, no post code envy". However, she does not care so she is trying to tell the audience to be happy with what they have. they may "never be royals" but they still have their friends and can still have a good time.
We will link this to our music video by having parts of the lyrics acted out so it all links. For example, we will be including a shot of a worn down street to show that the artist is not happy with where she lives. This shot will will be shown during the line "I'm not proud of my address..."


Levi-Strauss argued that most, if not all narratives could be narrowed down to Binary Opposites. He examined how stories unconsciously reflect values, beliefs and myths of a culture. His research has been adapted by media theorists to reveal underlying themes and symbolic oppositions in media texts. For example, some basic binary oppositions are;

  • Good - Bad
  • Wealthy - Poor
  • Weak - Strong
  • Christian - Pagan
In our own music video, we will be using binary oppositions between the wealthy and the poor. We want to do this to show the difference between classes in today's society. We will be doing this by showing the contrast between the lifes of a group of higher class people and a group of lower class people. For example, we intend of showing the wealthy group going shopping and being happy while the other group are sitting at a train station waiting for a train. To follow this, will will have a shot of one of the poor group members leaning against the train window while the camera is in such a position we can see his reflection in the window (without getting the camera in the shot). We will also be having shots through out the video of the two groups walking towards each other.

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