Friday, 15 January 2016

Starting our filming

Yesterday (14th January) we started our filming.
We found a few scenes at the start and the end that we knew we could film during school time.
We asked the music department at Greenacre if we could use one of their recording studios/music rooms to film because we wanted the scenes to be set in a music environment.
They allowed us into one of the rooms.
We then started to take pictures of paper being scrunched up bit by bit for our stop motion at the end and at the beginning (although for the beginning the pictures will be reversed making it look like the scrunched up paper is being unraveled).
We also filmed a scene for the end, when Lewis takes the paper and throws it in the bin.
Using Corel Video Studio Pro X3 I put the photo shots together to create the stop motion. I then put the filming of Lewis at the end.
I have separated the end and beginning by leaving a black background for a few seconds in between.
It is a work in progress, and this is obviously our first draft. After watching it as group, we decided that we need more photos to make it more like a film, because at the moment it sort of jumps to each picture and it doesn't really look very professional or like a film. We can improve on that though.

Here is our first draft of our stop motion technique for our music video:

Katie Tancred

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