Friday 29 April 2016

FINAL Ancillary Tasks

Here is our finished product for our Ancillary Tasks including our Digipack and Magazine Advert.
After much trial and error with our design we finally have it all together. The most challenging stage of this process was putting all the art for the Digipack together to create a CD case. To see the design more clearly, please scroll down to find the finished products of each stage including the front art, back art, CD art and inside art.

Finished Digipack

Inside Digipack

In this image you will see our design for our inside cover for our digipack. Our original idea was to have silhouettes of our actors when they met. After going through the layer options, we decided we liked the 'Subtract' option and chose to use this instead of silhouettes as it kept details such as shading. 

CD Art Work

In this Image you will see our design for our CD. Even though it is simple, I believe it is effective and even detailed with all the necessary text at the bottom. There isn't much else to say about the design except the text. We chose to use a font called 'Old English Text MT' as it seems very 'fancy' suggesting royalty perhaps form tutor or Victorian times.

Thursday 28 April 2016

Back Digipack

In this image you will see our completed design for the back of our digipack. We have included the spine of the case, the track list for the original album, our group logo and of course we have included all the disclaimers and original copyright information to make sure the credit goes to the correct company.
The inspiration for this design of course came from the original album so we could make it look as real as possible.

Friday 1 April 2016

Narrative Theories

This is a presentation that shows the Narrative theories we have used in our music video:

examples of GIFs to use for Evaluation Question 1.

We could create GIFs from our music video to answer question 1.
Here are a few example GIFs that Katie has made.

GIF of Timelapse:

GIF of Train:

GIF of Celine:

Evidence of communicating with each other

A lot of the time throughout this project we have communicated by talking to each other around school and in lesson. However we have also Facebook messaged each other a few times. Mainly to make filming arrangements.

This is part of a Facebook conversation me and Celine had regarding making arrangements for filming the higher class/lower class street scenes in February (we didn't use this street in the end, and we also ended up using different people due to others being unavailable.)