Friday 12 February 2016

Analysing Our Target Audience Research

In the first graph, you can see the proportion of ages of the people that we interviewed for our research. When analysing the data we can clearly see that in a way our research is bias as we mostly interviewed 16 to 20 year olds. However, we did still get plenty of of responses from 21 to 25 year olds and people over 31.
This graph also shows the gender of the participants in ratio to their age. For example, you can see that more females were willing to take part in our survey then males.
The next graph shows us people's favourite genre in relation to their gender. For example, we can see that nine participants liked pop and all of which are females so we can clearly see that our target audience is most likely to be females.
Because we could see that females were more likely to listen to pop, we also analysed the age of the females so we could relate our music video to an age group as well as a gender.
Here we can see that five females aged 16 to 20 liked pop as well as two 21 to 25 years olds and woman over 31. So for the sake of being specific, we will assume that girls 16 to 20 are more likely to watch out music video. 
To make sure we got it right we also investigated what gender were more likely to listen to Lorde and we found out that three more females said that they would listen to Lorde than males. However, five females also said that they did not know who Lorde is. On top of this, two males said that they would not listen to Lorde but only one female said that she wouldn't.

In this final graph we wanted to show the age group of people that would listen to Lorde. This does not relate to gender but is an over all view of the age groups which are likely to listen to Lorde. From this graph, you can see that about five sixth's of the over all percentage are ages 16 to 21 and the rest are aged 21 to 25 and 31+.

After getting all this data together and putting in into graphs, making it easier to see and analyse, we can clearly make out our target audience. Considering the fact that we did not ask an even amount of people from each age group, we can still clearly see that our target is teenagers or woman aged 16 to 20. This will be taken into consideration when we make our music video by asking girls from that age group to give feedback on our video as we get closer to completion.
- Celine Dior

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