Thursday 4 February 2016

Digipack (Front Cover)

Here you see an album cover for the album 'Pure Heroine' made as research. Obviously we wont be using this as part of our final digipack but this is of course our first step to completing our ancillary tasks. You can see that I have used a grey background to match the cover of the original case. I then used a layermask tool in photoshop to add Lorde over the top which followed by adding the text in the same font (Myriad Pro).

For the actual cover, we will be keeping the text and background but having my face over the top as I am playing the role of Lorde in our music video. As for costume and makeup for the photo of me for the case, I will have the same style makeup as lorde and will be wearing a grey jumper.
- Celine Dior

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