Friday 5 February 2016

Target Audience Research

A while back we created a survey to find out to whom we should aim our music video. We hypothesised that young women aged 16 up to 25 would be the most likely to listen to Lorde. Here are our Tallies; 

Male - 5
Female - 10

0 - 10 - 0
11 - 15 - 2
16 - 20 - 7
21 - 25 - 3
26 - 30 - 0
31+ - 3

Genre (multiple choice)
Pop - 9
Classic - 1
Rap - 3
Alternative - 4
Rock - 5
Dubstep - 1
Other - 1

Would you listen to Lorde?
Yes - 7
No - 3
Don't know who she is - 5

Now we have this data we are going to analyse it and put it into graphs to put the data into perspective so we can see who is most likely to watch our music video.

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