Friday 25 September 2015

CD Cover Research

  • The roses in the background represent the theme that something is coming to an end.
  • The song listing and the order they are played in. The font on the back is very bold and in your face. Despite this the text appears to be very close together and can be hard to read.
  • The bottom of the CD includes production details which itself includes record labels, country of origin and all rights reserved. It also shows its year of publication and the barcode of the album.
  • The roses appear on stage showing the theme of something coming to an end once again.
  • The stage name of the artist. The font is very bold and clear, it is also very in your face. The second E of Eminem is the wrong way round possibly showing a sign of rebellion.
  • The person taking a bow is wearing a suit which doesn't conform with what Eminem usually wears in his videos, Eminem usually wears casual clothing.
  • The Parental Advisory sticker implies that the album has offensive language.
  • The theme of something coming to an end is further continued with the title of the album and the fact that there are curtains closing behind the person.
  • The roses on the stage implies that everyone loves Eminem and that he is an amazing artist.

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