Friday 18 September 2015

Music Genres Research

In a ‘pop’ music video, the Artists are often portrayed as being happy. The Artists are usually dressed in very fashionable, ‘up-to-date’ clothing. The props and locations, as well as the clothing, are also usually very bright and sometimes mad and/or colourful. This could be because the target audience for this genre are mainly teenagers.

Some Artists that fit this genre are;

·        Rita Ora
·        Katy Perry
·        Nicky Minaj
·        Lady Gaga
Although these artists could also be put in the ‘dance’ genre.
The music videos that the genre ‘pop’ produces are mainly performance based through a choreographed dance or through a narrative storyline. The storyline relates to the lyrics from the song.                                                      
In a ‘rock’ music video, the Artists are often portrayed as having quite ‘dark’ personalities. The Artists are usually dressed in very dark clothing, mainly black. In almost every rock music video there is someone playing a guitar. Most artists from the rock genre are bands.
Some Artists that fit this genre are;
·        Metallica
·        Black Sabbath
·        Guns ‘N’ Roses
·        Kiss
The music videos that the genre ‘rock’ produces often have a story or meaning to behind them. In the music video, as well as the narrative storyline/meaning there is often a scene of the band playing together, whether it’s in a certain location, or a concert.
In a ‘country’ music video, the song and video tend to be much simpler than other music genres. The song and video often relates to the problems of ‘country living’. In a music video for the country genre, the Mise-en-scene used often creates a stereotype of people who live in the country. This is shown by the locations they use (i.e. country side), and props and costumes they use (i.e. Guitars, ‘cowboy’ hats, leather boots etc.) The artist, who sings the song, is usually in the actual video and is normally cast as the main character.
Some Artists that fit this genre are;
·        Taylor Swift
·        Dolly Parton
·        Carrie Underwood
·        Kelly Clarkson
The music videos that the genre ‘country’ produces often have a country theme towards them. This country theme usually is narrative based, and tells a story. So mainly all scenes in the music videos are in order.
An ‘indie’ music video tends to be quite low budget. The locations used are normally places that can be accessed to easily. This effect is probably so that the music video can focus more on the artist and performance. Some artists have a ‘retro’ look about them in the video through their use of costume and make-up.
Some Artists that fit this genre are;
·        Arctic Monkeys
·        Ed Sheeran
·        Green Day
·        Nirvana
The music videos that the genre ‘indie’ produce are most commonly based on the artist in a live performance. This creates a focus on just the music itself and the artist. Although, saying this, recently some indie artists put a bit of a narrative in their music videos to break it up, and give some sort of story to the viewer.

 Katie Tancred

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