Friday 11 September 2015

First Basic Ideas

Before we chose a song, we first brainstormed some initial ideas as we were still as a group agreeing on a genre to focus our research on and our song. This ideas consist of;

  • Stop Motion - We could open with a crumpled piece of paper unravel till it is flat out and gradually zoom into the paper and open the song with a projection sound as if the story is being played out as a projection. We would then end with the paper being picked up and thrown into a bin.
  • Recording Studio - Could film a performance in there to add into the music video as well as create the stop motion in there.
  • Two groups of people - (ONLY APPLYS IF OUR SONG CHOICE IS ROYALS) We could have a group of girls which would be upper class and we would have a separate group of lower class to show the contrast between the two as they go about their day. At the end of the video we would have the two groups pass each other and glance at each other.
  • Green Screen - If we have an appropriate scene, we would like to use a green screen provided by Katie to create special affects or a scenery which we cant find near by. Example - Driving?

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