Friday 20 November 2015

Metallica Magazine Cover

Star Analysis - Meghan Trainor

- Celine Dior

Analyzing A2 Music Video- Rolling in the Deep

Rolling in the Deep by Adele- A2 Media Music Video

I love the way this music video starts. It's simple yet very effective. The use of the clapperboard and the way the colour fades out, to make the rest of the video black and white is really good! And when it turns black and white, about 13 seconds in, the music starts.
When the shot changes to the girl with the boy behind her, there is a smoke effect which I find quite effective too.
There are some shots where you see her singing and other shots where you don't. In these scenes she is sort of 'acting'. She adds these shots, varied throughout the video, possibly to add narrative. The whole music video represents the song quite well. Both the Video and the Song link together perfectly, in my opinion. Both the Song and Video are saying that the boy and girl could of  "had it all" as referenced by the song and shown by the video.
Another good effect she uses is in some scenes where there are two scenes sort of 'blended' together making one of the scenes kind of transparent?
As the intensity of the song increases, the shot paces and transitions speed up. This is another reason why the video fits perfectly with the song.
At the end the final shot is of the girl with the boy behind her, then it fades out.

Katie Tancred

Friday 13 November 2015

Lorde Magazine Cover

Some other Lorde 'Royals' advertising posters

I'm not sure if these advertisements are genuine and customised by Lorde and her producers, or if they are fan-made. Either way I think they are good! They are all simple yet, sum up her style of her songs on her album quite well.

This one at the top, as you can see, has an image of Lorde herself. She is wearing a crown, which gives her the 'Royals' look. She also seems to be crying? Maybe, along with the crown, this is referring to one of her lines in the song Royals, "And we'll never be royals". 
At the bottom there is the title of her album 'Pure Heroine' in the same font and size as 'Lorde' at the top. And below that is the month and year of release of the album. 'Coming September 2013'.

This next one is slightly different. It is still a picture of her, but it looks like she is stood in a dark area of a room (could be Photoshop though!) especially because of the extremely bright, white background.
All the text that appears on this advertisement is 'Lorde' underlined, and as the biggest size text on there. And underneath that is 'Pure Heroine'- the title of the album.

This last one also shows just Lorde. This advertisement is for the american tour. It is quite dark, with only some light, as you can see, behind Lorde, around the outline of her body, her hair, and some dull, solid light that shows her face. The only text on this is her name 'Lorde' , perhaps because the tour she is doing is for all of her songs that she has ever recorded plus maybe some new ones.

As you can see by these 3 advertisements, most of her advertising material is basic yet creative. I believe this as yes, its simple but because it's simple, it sort of stands out. It's different. There are so many artists that make album/single covers and advertisements so bright and colourful with loads of different shapes, patterns and pictures. Yes, some are effective, but Lorde proves that the simple designs work just as well. She instantly gives out information such as who she is, what the album is called and occasionally when the release date is of the album/tour. That's all that most fans really need. You don't have to be 'working out' what information the artist is giving away to you on the advertisement.

Katie Tancred

Thursday 12 November 2015

Lorde Royals Single - Front Cover analysis

  • The necklace is a piece of jewellery which is associated with higher class people. However this necklace is a chain which can be associated with lower class people.
  • The way that the person is leaning shows that he is worn out or he has just been beaten up.
  • There is water running down this person’s body. This could mean that water is being poured over him or that it is raining. This could coincide with the fact that he may have been beating up. He may be pouring water over himself to get rid of any blood on him.
  • The CD cover as a whole is very dark and gloomy. This could represent the lower class as their future may not be that bright.
  • The title of the single and name of the artist are in capitals. This makes it easier to read and it stands out from the rest of the cover.
  • The font of the single title and artist makes it easier to read because it is a white text on a grey background. It is the only part of the cover that doesn't gloomy as it is not in a dark colour like the rest of the cover.
Lewis Gollop

Thursday 5 November 2015

Music Genre Codes and Conventions - Acoustic

  • Acoustic music videos tend to be filmed in isolated locations away from everyone else. This could be because they want to show their emotions or because the artist/s wants to make themselves the main point of focus.
  • Acoustic music videos tend to be very slow and have very slow movements. This could be because acoustic songs are very emotional and the artist wants to show their emotions and how they feel.
  • Acoustic videos tend to be edited into black and white or to make them look old fashioned, possibly by using a sepia tone. Acoustic artists may do this because this type of music video fits in very well with the genre.
  • acoustic videos tend to generally have a lot of close of the artist and their instruments. The artist/s may use close up shots of their face because they want to be recognised if they are seen again or their song may be emotional so they may want the viewer to their emotions. they may use close ups of their instruments because they want to show the viewer that they are playing it and not playing along to a recording.
Lewis Gollop