Thursday 12 November 2015

Lorde Royals Single - Front Cover analysis

  • The necklace is a piece of jewellery which is associated with higher class people. However this necklace is a chain which can be associated with lower class people.
  • The way that the person is leaning shows that he is worn out or he has just been beaten up.
  • There is water running down this person’s body. This could mean that water is being poured over him or that it is raining. This could coincide with the fact that he may have been beating up. He may be pouring water over himself to get rid of any blood on him.
  • The CD cover as a whole is very dark and gloomy. This could represent the lower class as their future may not be that bright.
  • The title of the single and name of the artist are in capitals. This makes it easier to read and it stands out from the rest of the cover.
  • The font of the single title and artist makes it easier to read because it is a white text on a grey background. It is the only part of the cover that doesn't gloomy as it is not in a dark colour like the rest of the cover.
Lewis Gollop

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