Friday 13 November 2015

Some other Lorde 'Royals' advertising posters

I'm not sure if these advertisements are genuine and customised by Lorde and her producers, or if they are fan-made. Either way I think they are good! They are all simple yet, sum up her style of her songs on her album quite well.

This one at the top, as you can see, has an image of Lorde herself. She is wearing a crown, which gives her the 'Royals' look. She also seems to be crying? Maybe, along with the crown, this is referring to one of her lines in the song Royals, "And we'll never be royals". 
At the bottom there is the title of her album 'Pure Heroine' in the same font and size as 'Lorde' at the top. And below that is the month and year of release of the album. 'Coming September 2013'.

This next one is slightly different. It is still a picture of her, but it looks like she is stood in a dark area of a room (could be Photoshop though!) especially because of the extremely bright, white background.
All the text that appears on this advertisement is 'Lorde' underlined, and as the biggest size text on there. And underneath that is 'Pure Heroine'- the title of the album.

This last one also shows just Lorde. This advertisement is for the american tour. It is quite dark, with only some light, as you can see, behind Lorde, around the outline of her body, her hair, and some dull, solid light that shows her face. The only text on this is her name 'Lorde' , perhaps because the tour she is doing is for all of her songs that she has ever recorded plus maybe some new ones.

As you can see by these 3 advertisements, most of her advertising material is basic yet creative. I believe this as yes, its simple but because it's simple, it sort of stands out. It's different. There are so many artists that make album/single covers and advertisements so bright and colourful with loads of different shapes, patterns and pictures. Yes, some are effective, but Lorde proves that the simple designs work just as well. She instantly gives out information such as who she is, what the album is called and occasionally when the release date is of the album/tour. That's all that most fans really need. You don't have to be 'working out' what information the artist is giving away to you on the advertisement.

Katie Tancred

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