Thursday 5 November 2015

Music Genre Codes and Conventions - Acoustic

  • Acoustic music videos tend to be filmed in isolated locations away from everyone else. This could be because they want to show their emotions or because the artist/s wants to make themselves the main point of focus.
  • Acoustic music videos tend to be very slow and have very slow movements. This could be because acoustic songs are very emotional and the artist wants to show their emotions and how they feel.
  • Acoustic videos tend to be edited into black and white or to make them look old fashioned, possibly by using a sepia tone. Acoustic artists may do this because this type of music video fits in very well with the genre.
  • acoustic videos tend to generally have a lot of close of the artist and their instruments. The artist/s may use close up shots of their face because they want to be recognised if they are seen again or their song may be emotional so they may want the viewer to their emotions. they may use close ups of their instruments because they want to show the viewer that they are playing it and not playing along to a recording.
Lewis Gollop

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