Thursday 17 March 2016

Evaluation Research Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

So far we have have a front case for our digipack and a magazine advert. As far as we are concerned these parts of our ancillary tasks are a successful combination for our main product as our ancillary tasks feature our music video in order to present and advertise. For example, for both you can see Celine as she is playing the part of Lorde for our music video. Not only does this represent our video, but also creates a star image. On top of this, we believe that our magazine advert would not look out of place in a real magazine advert but our front cover for our digipack may need some work.
When we come to actually doing our evaluation, we will sum this up and of course we will have more details as everything will be finished.

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