Friday 18 March 2016

Evaluation Research Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

At this current stage we only have our information from our questionnaire which we used to determine our exact target audience.
Once we have finished our finished product we will produce another questionnaire and film our audiences response. From this we will be able to talk about what we learned from our target audience.

Perhaps we could create a small News-like broadcast for this question. We can film our media class watching our music video.
We could use two cameras, one at the front to the side, and one behind the audience showing the back of the audience as well as the footage being shown to them. During this we could record ourselves talking, explaining what's happening and so creating a narrative over the visuals.  This could be the intro to the News Broadcast. We can then record some members of the audience giving their opinion on our music video. We can then record one of us talking to the camera whilst walking down the corridor perhaps (?) , giving the overall result.

The quote below is from our target audience research, we will be using this conclusion in our evaluation as our feedback from our audience enabled us to realise our target audience.

"Considering the fact that we did not ask an even amount of people from each age group, we can still clearly see that our target is teenagers or woman aged 16 to 20. This will be taken into consideration when we make our music video by asking girls from that age group to give feedback on our video as we get closer to completion."

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