Thursday 31 March 2016

Evaluation Research Question 4

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages
Media technologies we used:
          Research and planning
  • Blogger- We used Blogger so that we could post all of our research and planning so that we had somewhere to store it and go back to it should we need to.
  • Search Engines- We used search engines such as Google and YouTube to find research to help us create our film and give us ideas.
  • Google Maps- We used Google maps to post location shots on the blog to show people where we were filming.
  • Magazine adverts- To give ideas for our advert.
  • CD covers- To help us in making our CD cover.
  • HD Camera- Standard camera we used.
  • Advantages
  • Easy to use
  • Good quality

  • Adobe Premier Pro- Editing program we used to create our film.
  • Advantages
  • More editing techniques
  • More effects

  • Disadvantages
  • Confusing to use

  • Adobe Photoshop- Editing program we used to create our logo, CD cover and magazine advert.

  • Advantages
  • Easy to use
  • Experienced

  • Mobile Phones- We used mobile phones so that we could organize everyone together.

  • Advantages
  • Easy to communicate
  • Simple and basic
Required Wi-Fi to receive messages

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