Friday 23 October 2015

Music Genre Codes and Conventions - Folk

  • Lighting of the music video is generally very dark. The lighting is usually focused on the main artist/s. This could be because the lighting only wants you to focus on the artist/band and not on the background.
  • Folk music videos usually contain close up shots of the artists/bands face/s and instruments. This could be because the artist/s want the audience to recognise their faces if they are seen again. They may take close ups of instruments because they want to show the audience that they play their instruments.
  • Folk music videos tend to have a lot of black and white shots to them. This could be because folk music sounds very old and they want the video to coincide with each other. Another reason could be that the genre wants to stand out from other music videos and genres, they want to be unique.
  • Folk music tends to be over exaggerated meaning that folk artists tend to go over the top with their music and can be very loud and very fast. For example Mumford and Sons.
Lewis Gollop

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