Friday 9 October 2015

Music Genre Codes and Conventions - R'n'B

  • Lots of R'n'B music videos tend to have a lot of close ups of the artist/s. this could be because the artist want to promote themselves and so that people recognise their face/s.
  • The music videos tend of have a lot of use of special effects. This could be because that R'n'B artists want to make the videos look fancy and give a certain flair to their videos that no other genre may use.
  • The environment for these kind of music videos tends to be in a house with a massive party going on in the background. This could be because R'n'B artists do not have a care in the world and go around having parties all the time.
  • In R'n'B music videos money can be seen extensively. This point can be related to the last one. R'n'B artists have so much money that they spend of insanely expensive things that they don't necessarily need. 
  • Most R'n'B music videos tend not to have much input from the artist throughout the video. The music video tends to contain more of a narrative than the artist. This could be because the song may need more of a video than the artist so that if fits in with the video.
  • R'n'B music videos sometimes have a narrative. This means that some songs within the R'n'B genre have a meaning behind. Narratives do happen in R'n'B music videos but it is not that common.
  • Some R'n'B music videos have a dance routine. This could be because a lot of R'n'B songs have parties in the background so they may want to get the people to dance. Well choreographed dance routines can also be very impressive so R'n'B artists may do this to wow their audience.
Lewis Gollop

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