Friday 16 October 2015

Music Genres Codes and Conventions - Dance

  • Dance music is generally upbeat. This could be because dance songs are used in happy environments so dance would music would further increase the emotions.
  • The music videos of dance songs tend to be rather fun and have a quirky sort of style to them. This could be because dance artists want their videos to look unique compared to other types of genres. It could also be because dance musicians want their audience to have fun whilst watching their music videos.
  • Dance songs generally have a dance routine to their videos. This would link in to a dance songs, also a well choreographed dance routine can be very impressive so dance artists want their viewers to enjoy watching their videos and to be wowed.
  • The dancers performing the dance routine will generally be wearing the same type of outfits. This could be because if the artist is wearing a different outfit then they wouldn't want to look the same as you wouldn't be able to tell who is who. Another reason why the dancers where the same outfits could be because if every dancer is wearing the same outfit then you would be able to tell that they are the dancers.
  • The colours in the video tend to very bright and colourful. This could be because dance artists want their music videos to be lively and fun to watch. Bright colours could also make people feel happier and bright colours also make the video seem more interesting. Bright colours can also make the music video seem different to other genres which generally use very dull colours in their music videos.
  • The type of environment that dance songs are set in is usually party settings. This could be because party settings allow the dance routine to happen. Another reason why dance songs are set in party environments could be because parties are usually where dance songs are made.
Lewis Gollop

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