Friday 9 October 2015

Music Genre Codes and Conventions - Hip-Hop

  • A lot of hip-hop songs are usually set in a party environment. This could be because that the artists who create the videos don't care about life and just have parties all the time.
  • A lot of hip-hop music videos such as Eminem tend to have a lot of shots of them in their music video. This could because that hip-hop artists don't put much money into their music videos so they just use themselves or that they don't put much effort to go out to places to shoot their music videos. Another reason why hip-hop artists use themselves in their music videos is because they want people to recognise their faces and so they can promote themselves.

  • A lot of hip-hop artists wear branded clothing which looks very casual. This could be because that hip-hop artists don't care what they wear and don't take pride in what they wear so they just wear any clothing. Another reason why hip-hop artists wear casual clothing is that they want to look like normal everyday people, they want to blend in with the crowd.
  • The main object in hip-hop music videos is money. This may be the main object because hip-hop artists have so much money that they do not care about it. Another reason could be because of the amount of money they just throw it around and spend it on ridiculous items.
  • A lot of hip-hop music videos feature items such as cars, mansions, jewellery and alcohol. this could be related to the previous point. Hip-hop artists have so much money that they spend it on insanely expensive items.
  • Some hip-hop music videos contain other artists in their videos despite the fact they might not sing in the video. This might be because the artist may fit better in the type of music video or they might be trying to promote other artists.

    Lewis Gollop

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