Friday 23 October 2015

Music Genre Codes and Conventions - Jazz

  • Jazz music videos tend to contain bright lighting. This could be because of the type of music. Jazz music tends to be very upbeat and the lighting would work with that. Another reason could be because is the artist wants to see everything that is going on.
  • Jazz artists clothing generally consists of them wearing very smart clothing such as wearing suits. This shows that they are classy and sharp and show their class within society.
  • Filming locations of jazz music videos tend to be in street scenarios or in run places. This could be because jazz artists want themselves to stand out from everything. This is done by them wearing a suit and filming in a run down area. Another reason why jazz artists film in streets and run down areas could be because they want themselves to be seen as if they was a normal person who lives in a street with a normal day to day job.
  • Sometimes jazz music videos can be filmed in large open areas. This could be because they want their videos to represent the freedom to move about or they use the space for the purpose of their ideas.
Lewis Gollop

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