Thursday 31 March 2016


As a group we feel that our Music Video is completed at the moment. We might change our minds when we look at it again in the next few weeks, in which case we may have to re-film or re-edit parts. HOWEVER at the moment we are pleased with this film.

Today we added iphone sound effects at the beginning, so that its not just completely silent as the audience is waiting for the song to start.
We got these effects from 2 YouTube videos and a website that transfers YouTube Videos to MP3.
The YouTube videos and website we used were:

And here is our Finished Piece:

Evaluation Research Question 4

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages
Media technologies we used:
          Research and planning
  • Blogger- We used Blogger so that we could post all of our research and planning so that we had somewhere to store it and go back to it should we need to.
  • Search Engines- We used search engines such as Google and YouTube to find research to help us create our film and give us ideas.
  • Google Maps- We used Google maps to post location shots on the blog to show people where we were filming.
  • Magazine adverts- To give ideas for our advert.
  • CD covers- To help us in making our CD cover.
  • HD Camera- Standard camera we used.
  • Advantages
  • Easy to use
  • Good quality

  • Adobe Premier Pro- Editing program we used to create our film.
  • Advantages
  • More editing techniques
  • More effects

  • Disadvantages
  • Confusing to use

  • Adobe Photoshop- Editing program we used to create our logo, CD cover and magazine advert.

  • Advantages
  • Easy to use
  • Experienced

  • Mobile Phones- We used mobile phones so that we could organize everyone together.

  • Advantages
  • Easy to communicate
  • Simple and basic
Required Wi-Fi to receive messages

Friday 18 March 2016

Magazine Advert

After reviewing our plan for our magazine, we have now come up with what we believe to be our final magazine advert. The reason I say 'we believe' is because until we finish our music video, nothing is final so this may change if we come up with a new idea to improve it. This goes for our digipack as well. Our final ancillary tasks will be presented together in one image in one post .

Evaluation Research Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

At this current stage we only have our information from our questionnaire which we used to determine our exact target audience.
Once we have finished our finished product we will produce another questionnaire and film our audiences response. From this we will be able to talk about what we learned from our target audience.

Perhaps we could create a small News-like broadcast for this question. We can film our media class watching our music video.
We could use two cameras, one at the front to the side, and one behind the audience showing the back of the audience as well as the footage being shown to them. During this we could record ourselves talking, explaining what's happening and so creating a narrative over the visuals.  This could be the intro to the News Broadcast. We can then record some members of the audience giving their opinion on our music video. We can then record one of us talking to the camera whilst walking down the corridor perhaps (?) , giving the overall result.

The quote below is from our target audience research, we will be using this conclusion in our evaluation as our feedback from our audience enabled us to realise our target audience.

"Considering the fact that we did not ask an even amount of people from each age group, we can still clearly see that our target is teenagers or woman aged 16 to 20. This will be taken into consideration when we make our music video by asking girls from that age group to give feedback on our video as we get closer to completion."

Thursday 17 March 2016

Evaluation Research Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

So far we have have a front case for our digipack and a magazine advert. As far as we are concerned these parts of our ancillary tasks are a successful combination for our main product as our ancillary tasks feature our music video in order to present and advertise. For example, for both you can see Celine as she is playing the part of Lorde for our music video. Not only does this represent our video, but also creates a star image. On top of this, we believe that our magazine advert would not look out of place in a real magazine advert but our front cover for our digipack may need some work.
When we come to actually doing our evaluation, we will sum this up and of course we will have more details as everything will be finished.

Friday 11 March 2016

Updated Location Report

We weren't originally going to film here. We originally planned to film on Sundridge Drive but given the short amount of time we decided to use somewhere that was slightly closer.

Friday 4 March 2016

Rough Cut 2

Here is our next version of our music video. We still need to film a few more shots, and still need to do more editing, as you can see. Also you may notice that we have changed the start of our video.

Magazine Advert Plan

This is our plan of how we want our magazine advert to look. We have started putting it together and this is how it will look like almost once it is done. All the writing on the image is to show where we are going to put everything. For example, the 'Title' is saying that is where we are going to write 'Royals'. Another example is the word 'Glow' which we have written four times to indicate we want a white glow coming from the CD cover to separate the cover from the actual advert making it stand out.

Digipack First Draft

This is our first draft for the front of our digipack. To create this we took a screenshot from a scene in our music video. We used fonts Britannic Bold and Old English Text MT for the titles on this digipack. We used a grey background just like in the original cover and a photo of Celine as she is posing as Lorde for our music video.
For our final digipack we will take a new photo of Celine as this photo is rather out of focus. We may have the same pose but it is likely we will create the same pose as Lorde for her cover. We will now start to work on the back cover for our digipack and a CD design. 

Thursday 3 March 2016

Update 03/03/2016

We had planned to film our last scene on Sunday the 28th of February which would have taken no longer than half hour but unfortunately things did not go to plan as the people we wanted to film with had become unavailable. We then rearranged to film on Tuesday the 1st of March but the weather did not allow us to get the shots we wanted. We have now decided to now film on Monday or Tuesday next week (the 7th or the 8th of March). We can then finish our final piece and start putting together our evaluations. We have already started research but there is only so much we can do prior to finishing our film. Once we have our final rough cut we will get some audience feedback encase we need to change anything and we will then get another final audience feedback once we have put together our final piece.

Evaluation Research Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In our media film, our conventions were mainly based of Andrew Goodwin's theory. He stated that all music videos could be broken down into six Features. These were; 

  • Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics. (e.g. stage performance in metal videos, dance routine for boy/girl band, aspiration in Hip Hop) [this is also known as iconography]
  • There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals. The lyrics are represented with images. (either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).
  • There is a relationship between music and visuals. The tone and atmosphere of the visual reflects that of the music. (either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).
  • The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (a visual style).
  • There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screens, mirrors, stages, etc) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.
  • There is often inter-textual reference (a relationship between two texts or films, tv programmes, other music videos etc).
For the purpose of our evaluation, when we put together our response to this question, we will break these points into five just to make it easier to discuss. These are;

  • Thought through beat (Seeing what the lyrics mean in your head)
  • Relationship between the song and visuals
  • Narrative and performance of the song
  • Technical aspect of a music video (Mise-en-scene, special effects, sounds and editing hold together the video.
  • Star Image (The artist’s image/appearance/reputation)

In our music video, we have used these conventions by first having our cuts in time with the beat. Although this currently isn't the case as we have only put together our first rough cut at this present moment, we aim to achieve this and mention it in our evaluation.
We are linking the song to the visual by having some of the lyrics being played out on screen. The first example you can see us do this is when you see a track shot going down a worn down road while the lyrics play 'in this torn up town...'. Linking to this and the narrative, we decided to show the difference in classes to show how Lorde feels when she says that they will never be royals but then goes on to say that they don't care. Our group of lower class people are more carefree but at the same time, sometimes when we see them during our video,  they may not seem as happy as the group of upper class people.
We have created a star image by having our lead singer the main star of the video by having many shots of just her in front of a white wall just like Lorde in the official music video for 'Royals'. Celine is also dressed in a similar modern costume including a grey jumper and skinny jeans. We also wanted to have her hair curled like Lorde's hair but we were short on time and we didn't get any hair extensions as planned but we did get the make-up similar to Lorde's.

Perhaps we could create GIFs from our Music Video to answer this question?